Friday, May 13, 2016

Heading west? Take a side trip

On the drive to the west coast of Tasmania, you pass several opportunities to stop along the Lyell Highway, to stretch your legs on a short walk and breathe in the fresh air of the surrounding wilderness. The first few times I drove out that way, I didn't stop anywhere but a couple of roadside lookouts. On last weekend's stay at Lake St Clair, we took a special drive along the windy road heading west to Nelson Falls, a beautiful cascade waterfall 20 minutes from Queenstown. It's an easy 20 minute return stroll from the main road.

On the way there, we stopped for a look at the world famous Franklin River with beautiful rainforest lining its banks. Interpretive signs tell the story of the conservation battle to save the river from being dammed and the importance of wilderness to humanity.

On the way back, we did the first 10 minutes or so of the 3-5 day return walk to Frenchmans Cap, to a swinging bridge over classic Tasmanian tea-coloured water. I'd like to think I'm fit and hardcore enough to do the whole walk, the reality I suspect is quite different. Time to start trek training again.

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