Friday, January 15, 2016

Ways with broad beans

It's that time of year again. Piles of snow peas and broad beans ready to pick every day. Our freezer now contains zip lock bags full of blanched broad beans to eat throughout the year. Add some of the lovely chorizo from Mount Gnomon Farm bought from the farmer at the Farm Gate Market just before Christmas, and you have one very tasty risotto. Actually it was the first risotto I ever made. I'm not normally a fan of what The Katering Show's McCartney and McLennan call 'hot wet rice'.  Check out the hilarious 'Thermomix' episode for an explanation. My other favourite broad bean recipe was recommended by a friend, Pauline. It's for broad beans with parsley, feta and almonds and it is a very quick and delicious way to eat them. Do you have a favourite broad bean recipe to share?


  1. We have been keeping it simple - boiled for four or five mins, then mixed through with lashings of butter and pepper! Can't go wrong!

    1. Excellent! Harvested the last ones today so will give that a go.
